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Local Welfare
Local Welfare is intended as a local system aimed at integrating policies and services on social inclusion, social protection, health care and employment while fighting against poverty. Studio Ricerche Sociali carried out two projects of Local Welfare in Italy on behalf of the provinces of Campobasso (Molise) in 2007 and Pisa (Tuscany) in 2006.

The Local Welfare approach is based on the EU Social Agenda aimed at strengthening positive interactions between the Lisbon (growth and jobs) and Sustainable Development Strategies through the Social OMC (open method of coordination). The approach moves towards the combination of:
  • policies, actions and services to fight poverty, social exclusion and all types of discrimination
  • self-organising (autonomy) and co-evolving (working together) processes within responsibilities of a global and local nature
  • capacity building at different levels (e.g. European, national and sub-national)
Useful information and documents on Local Welfare

Studio Ricerche Sociali experimented with specific methods, as summarised in the following slides on the Campobasso and Pisa case studies.
Campobasso - Strategie integrate di welfare e occupazione per uno sviluppo sostenibile
Pisa - Integrazione tra politiche e servizi relativi all’occupazione e all’esclusione sociale

The methods concern:
  • involvement of local stakeholders
  • identification of hypotheses of innovative actions taking into analysis the main features of the concerned local context
  • identification of hypotheses of innovative actions concerning thematic issues and specific policy fields in the concerned local context
Local Welfare: examples
Campobasso (Italy)
Strategie integrate di welfare e occupazione per uno sviluppo sostenibile Sommario
Sei traiettorie per un Piano Locale Integrato
Analisi del Contesto Locale
Pisa (Italy)
Integrazione tra politiche e servizi relativi all’occupazione e all’esclusione sociale Sommario della consultazione degli stakeholders
Quadro di riferimento per un Piano Locale Integrato
Analisi del Contesto Locale prodotta dalla consultazione degli stakeholders
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